Pergam West Coast

Pergam has been taking advantage of opportunities in the US commercial real estate sector to invest
since 2015

(USA Fund - Reserved for professional investors and closed to subscription)

By joining forces with Brixton Capital, Pergam is able to rely on a partner specialising in the acquisition of retail and business premises.


In 2015, Pergam found that since the crisis of 2009, the recovery of the US commercial real estate sector had been slow. In fact, the decline of the malls and the rise of e-commerce are reshaping the sector.

In fact, it is mainly local investors or end-users who are present in this market. This situation is an opportunity to create meaningful change.


Many investment opportunities are being created, because fragmented ownership of assets is making this market inefficient. The majority of owners are unable to restructure these transactions.

This is why Pergam is working with Brixton Capital and investing in areas with high barriers to entry, strong demographics and a dynamic economic fabric.

assets acquired since 2010
sales completed
+ 0
million invested by PERGAM in US real estate

PERGAM know-how

Since 2009, Pergam has been investing in multifamily and commercial real estate in the United States. We select specialised operators and coinvest amongside them.


Our other

Pergam Properties Luxembourg

Pergam Properties Germany



Amel joined PERGAM in 2021 after 8 years of experience in the field of customer care.

Amel holds a BTS in accounting.

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